"Unseen, New, Latest..." -- whaaa...?

Not sure of the difference between those choices on the topic menu?

It’s hard to express with one word, but just hover your mouse for reminders:


  • Unseen: shows where there are new posts in topics you’re “tracking”, either because you created them, or you selected Watching or Tracking.
  • New: recently topics you haven’t seen. (If none, “New” hides away.)
  • Latest: topics with recent posts.
  • Top: the most active topics in a time period: select the past day, week, month, year, or all time.

And introducing…

  • :fire: Hot : this new option lists the most popular topics, both old and recent.

Too much fuss? Just look for blue dots :large_blue_circle: and highlighted titles to see where there’s something new!