I figure some on this site might appreciate it! Deadline 9/15 to submit.
From the call:
"This CFP seeks to broaden understanding of government in SF both within and beyond its typical bounds. We invite papers that reflect upon the issue of governance in SF as it can be, not necessarily how it is. Why and how does a given work depict a particular system of government? What is this system’s relationship to new technologies, whether these technologies be physical, digital or social? How and why is this system intended to estrange our own understanding of governance in the here and now?
"The SFRA Review invites submissions that focus on the depiction or criticism of speculative, utopian, dystopian, alternative, or futurological systems of governing. Topics may include (but are not limited to):
- Governments
- Elections
- Monarchies
- Empires
- Dictatorships
- Republics
- Democracies
- Theocracies
- Utopias
- Dystopias
“We invite proposals of ~250 words and short author bios by 15 September 2024. Contributors will be notified if their essays are selected for inclusion by 30 September 2024, and full essays of 4000-5000 words will be requested by 30 November 2024.”