Military tech inevitably filters down

We need to remind all politicians that all technology, usually first used by their military, will eventually filter down to the common population, the only real question is the speed of leaks or adoption of secrets that do not remain that way. But now we also have the private army or mercenray employed by billies( billionaires) so forseeing corporate wars both secret and overt will become more common. Also already explored in much previous SF, but like 1984, et. al.,not heeded as a lesson, and instead used by the power hungry against any currently in power as a handbook how-to.

This is an interesting comment by DD. But I must point out that ‘discussion’ is for inside the forum. These email responses are specifically reserved for CITATIONS of actual, pertinent sci fi tales that are pertinent to the topic. It’s a feature of TASAT that those who want ONLY to do that one thing will not be bothered by torrents of email discussion.

Again, discussion is welcome! Just go to the TASAT form under this challenge.

And yes, we are learning as we go, thanks!

The way the forum and notifications are designed, the author of the topic (question) will be notified of each reply to the topic, whether it’s posted via email or directly in the forum.

Some occasional spinoff seems inevitable, but we can do it in another channel. Here, as an example, I’ve moved the discussion post by ZenCosmos to Observation Deck and added a link to the relevant Challenge topic.

Any resulting discussion here won’t be emailed to David – unless, like this comment, it’s a direct reply to his comment. ZenCosmos will get notifications unless he turns off “Watching” for this topic.

I’m not sure this is the best or only approach, but yes, we are learning…!