Formatting your posts

When creating or editing your posts, you may want to add some formatting to emphasize titles, add links, etc. to make it a good reply.

This is a quick explanation of the most common formatting methods.

You can also practice some of the basics in an interactive tutorial by sending a personal message to @discobot.

Supported markdown

Markdown is a quick and easy way to mark plain text for special formatting.

Some commonly used markdown features include:

  • Bold: **text** (keyboard shortcut: crtl+b)
  • Italic: *text* (keyboard shortcut: crtl+i)
  • Link : [title]( (keyboard shortcut: crtl+L)

In longer posts (like this one), it can also be helpful to add structure using headings:

# Heading 1
## Heading 2
### Heading 3

Generated markup

Discourse supports some common BBCode tags that are generated automatically for special formatting, for example when you quote a post in your reply:

[quote="user"]quoted text[/quote]

The Blur Spoiler command under the 'gear' icon inserts code to hide crucial spoilers:

spoiled text

[spoiler]spoiled text[/spoiler]

The Hide Details command under the ‘gear’ icon inserts code to fold additional text:

click to expand

hidden text

[details="click to expand"]hidden text[/details]