About the TASAT Challenges category

“Are there stories about _______ ?”

Got a hypothetical situation that might confront humanity in real life?
TASAT members will cite great stories that seem pertinent!

Comments are welcome, but should stay relevant to the Challenge or cited stories.

If your question is more of the Wild Speculations variety—less pertinent to possible real world problems and questions—please post in Wild Speculations. TASAT admins may also move posts between categories when appropriate.


  • When asking a question, tag it to aid future searchers like yourself! i.e.: ai sociology space If we don’t have the right tag for your topic yet, message a staff member with a request.
  • When answering questions, provide as much source information about the story/film/article/game as you can. Please give specific citations or some way that folks can find and read the story. Provide a link, if possible.
  • Relevant excerpts and interpretive questions are also invaluable.

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